Monthly Archives: March 2016

Available for Sponsorship — Moonlight and Magic

I’m excited to announce that another Erotica Under Glass story is available for sponsorship. This one could be subtitled, “Femdom Fairy Fun”! Moonlight and Magic Gods he was pathetic. If he’d had a tail he’d be wagging the thing. “Stop,” … Continue reading

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Short Fiction Sale

“Kiss me,” Mary said, her voice barely a whisper. “Wha—what?” Cairn frowned. He looked at her like she was crazy. A demon. A demon was looking at her like she was crazy. And maybe she was. But still— “Kiss me.” … Continue reading

Posted in Excerpt, Luminous Dreams, Skye Falling, The Naughty List, Written | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Rough Edges — Cover Reveal

There she is. The cover for Rough Edges. I’d be proud of this anthology no matter what, but because the circumstances around its creation were…let’s say ‘turbulent’ I’m especially pleased with it. Coming this summer from Pen and Kink Publications … Continue reading

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