Skye Falling!

Skye Falling by Anna Kyle

Skye, a Fae-shapeshifter halfing, could die if she doesn’t find out how to wake her dormant wolf, so mere rumors of the Wolf King’s return are enough to convince her to sneak through the portal between Faerie and Chicago in search of his aid. But the dizzyingly bright lights and sounds of the human realm are too tempting to ignore. So is the sexy shapeshifter wolf intent on capturing her—the one who stirs her sleeping wolf just long enough to bind the handsome stranger in a mate-bond.

Lake is willing to do anything to protect the Wolf King, a man he also calls friend. So when he receives word that a Fae princess has slipped into Chicago, he suspects a plot to assassinate the Wolf King. He’s certain capturing her will be as easy as locating her—that was his first mistake. Not only is his wolf a little too interested in Skye, but the wolf accepts her mate-bond without any say-so from him. As he unravels the truth surrounding the smart-mouthed princess and whether she’s hunting his friend or being hunted by someone else, Lake’s mission changes: protect Skye at all costs. And keep her for himself.

Skye Falling is available now!


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I am super biased because not only did I edit this book, I freaking adore Anna. But. I can honestly say that even if those biases didn’t exist I would still love Lake and Skye.

If you like paranormal romance consider giving this one a read. It’s short, steamy and it’ll whet your appetite for the next book in the series.

(And once you’ve read it, please consider leaving an honest review at Amazon and Goodreads. Reviews are better than chocolate. Fer realz.)

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