Hers To Command by Patricia A. Knight

Hers To Command by Patricia A. KnightConte Camliel Aristos deTano, Ari, has long spurned the marriage forced upon him. Princess Fleur Constante, his contractual bride and the beautiful future queen, though young and inexperienced, is willing to risk everything – including her own sanity – to save her planet.

The inhabitants of the sentient planet, Verdantia, are poised on the precipice of extinction following a brutal invasion by an off-world, nomadic horde. Verdantia’s capital, Sylvan Mintoth, must have its failing energy shield restored, or the planet is doomed. The Elders know the shield can draw energy from only one thing—a very arduous and grueling coupling of two specific people pre-chosen by the planet, Herself,  and promised by prearranged marriage contract.

Verdantia draws strength from the duo, but the sentient planet whispers to Ari that a third is necessary – Ari’s aide de camp, Visconte Doral deLorion, an angelically handsome, skilled assassin who silently surrendered his heart to Ari long ago.

The trio struggles to make this surprising partnership harmonious, pushing through pride, scars of past abuse, fears of inexperience and distrust. To save Verdantia, they must overcome their individual weaknesses and realize their full potential. Only the tetriarch and their combined synergy, can harness Verdantia’s immense power to shield its citizens from invasion.


I “met” Patricia on Twitter and liked her right away which was pretty convenient as I’d already agreed to host her on my blog for an interview 🙂 That interview follows below, I hope you enjoy it.


When we decide to write any particular book we know that it is going to take up a significant portion of our time for the next few months (at least) between writing, revising and promoting. What is it about “Hers To Command” that made that investment worthwhile to you?

I had become frustrated with the books I was reading. I loved the epic fantasy but it lacked the explicit sex.  I loved the erotica but it was almost always contemporary.  I guess it is my dream to someday write a “Lord of the Rings” type thing (no aspirations here!) where the hunky Dunedine king gets it on with the glorious elvish princess . . . and we get to watch!

What is it about “Hers To Command” that makes it a good time investment for your readers?

Let me start by saying that, for the most part, sci-fi and fantasy readers are a little demanding in what they require for entertainment. The author must create a captivating world of “otherness”. There must be strange and interesting intrigue that pulls the reader’s mind into that world and leaves earth far behind.

I think, with Verdantia, I have done that. How can you resist a planet that speaks to you metaphysically? Of course, it does require that the reader be willing to pay attention and be intelligent in the beginning.  In some respects, sci-fi books (all of them) are like learning a new  video game. It only becomes fun when you learn what the rules are – how the characters interact – what skills are available. If you aren’t willing to step into the “game” and learn, you will be frustrated and put the book down.

For those who have the willingness to settle in for a few pages and pay attention, learn the “rules,” Verdantia is a charming escape from the ordinary. And of course . . . let’s not forget the hot sex.

What is your favorite part about “Hers To Command”?

The scene where Fleur is coming to know Doral and she walks out of the audience hall to see him waiting patiently for her, ostracized by the people he risked his life for. It made me cry when I wrote it. The goodness of a self-sacrificing man who requires nothing for himself but the knowledge that he had defended his people and kept them safe. It reminds me of so many of our soldiers who fight for us daily. We never know who they are and they ask nothing from us – yet all of our freedoms are predicated on their sacrifice.

Without offering any spoilers, what was your favorite scene to write?

Where Ari “convinces” Doral of his worthiness.

What character would you most like to jello wrestle with?

It would have to be lime jello. I’d love to see myself in green. And it would most definitely be James Bond as played by Sean Connery. Speedos and bikinis, please!

What toppings do you put on an ice cream sundae?

First, you must start with one scoop of BlueBelle French Vanilla. Then add a scoop of mint chocolate chip (pick your maker – I like the kind with the big hunks of chocolate) Ladle on my home-made fudge “sticky” sauce made with Giradelli chocolate and butter and sugar. (I particularly like this sauce because it hardens slightly and becomes almost fudgy when it hits the cold ice cream.) Then add slivered almonds, mound on the whipped cream and adorn with multiple, fat, red, maraschino cherries. [I’m drooling right now. Just a minute while I mop the keyboard.] Okay! Back now! Get yourself a biigg spoon and dig in. (I have been known to add ice cream to the bowl when it became apparent that my ice cream would run out before the fudge sauce.)

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About the Author:

Patricia A. Knight is the pen name for an eternal romantic who lives in Dallas, Texas surrounded by her horses, dogs and the best man on the face of the earth – oh yeah, and the most enormous bullfrogs you will ever see. Word to the wise: don’t swim in the pool after dark.

I love to hear from my readers and can be reached at http://www.trollriverpub.com/ or  http://www.patriciaaknight.com

 Check out my latest “Hunk of the Day,” book releases, contests and other fun stuff on my face book page: https://www.facebook.com/patricia.knight.71619

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