Introducing Alexa Piper!

Alexa Piper is Red Moon Romance‘s newest author and she and I have a lot in common. We both use pen names, adore paranormal romance and have work in Demons, Imps and Incubi.

But wait! There’s more!

I am also the editor of her forthcoming short story collection, Luminous Dreams.

Colour me excited!

So allow me to introduce you to Alexa and tell you a little bit about Luminous Dreams:

Luminous Dreams

Relax, close your eyes…
…and dream.

Eight tales, eight sensual dreams of enchantment, wanderlust and lovers’ longings, of searching and finding; these dreams tell of birds of fire, curses that lie like bridges between night and day, and hunger for sweet seduction.

There is dance in this little book; there is song. But what would a good dream be without a pinch of salt, a dash of darkness? Those are also contained within, and once you’ve looked their way, well, there is no looking back. Get ready to read. Get ready to dream.


Alexa PiperAlexa Piper enjoys writing, romance, and the paranormal. This said, becoming a paranormal romance writer seemed perfectly reasonable, but for Alexa, it is more than that; it’s fun. Alexa’s work has appeared in the Red Moon Romance anthology Demons, Imps, and Incubi and another story will appear in The Naughty List. Luminous Dreams is Alexa’s first collection, and she hopes her readers will have as much fun reading it as she had writing it. Check out Alexa’s online home ( for all things related to her writing and be sure to follow her on Twitter @prowlingpiper.

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