
wrathbone-coverWhen my friend Brian Rosenberger asked me if I’d like to co-write a Lovecraftian, gonzo story with erotic elements I was intrigued. I said yes, but only after explaining that not only was I not really a fan of Lovecraft, I also wasn’t knowledgeable enough about his work to nail that aspect of any story we came up with. He agreed to take care of that part and we were off to the races.

Brian sentĀ a few paragraphs of potential story startersĀ to me and the character I liked most out of all of them was Sushi. A dancer at the Thrills and Gills gentleman’s club. And so we built this twisted little tale around her.

Make no mistake, Suckers, is not a romance and though it has sex in it, it’s not erotic either.

This is a twisted horror story with sexual content that may be disturbing to some (most!) readers. I think the cover and title of the anthology make that pretty clear but I want to make it extra, extra clear. Don’t read this if you’re looking for something sexy or romantic. But, if you like fucked-up horror this might be a story for you.

Stiff Things came out this week and is available now at Amazon.

Disclaimer: I’ve only read Brian and my story, I have no idea how disturbing the other stories in this collection are but judging by the cover, title and description I would say ‘very’.


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