The Tackiest Christmas Displays Ever

NAUGHTY LIST coverTo celebrate the release of The Naughty List I have invited some of the contributors to share guest posts on my blog. This one is from Elizabeth Black, author of “In The Doghouse”.

The Tackiest Christmas Displays Ever

By Elizabeth Black

I’m a sucker for elaborate house decorations for Christmas, especially the outdoor displays. When I lived in Maryland, I lived near a family that lit up their house so brightly for Christmas you could see the glare several blocks away. That house always made the newspapers. Cars paraded by every night. People took pictures. I could only imagine how annoyed the neighbors might have been unless they were full of holiday cheer. Even the Internet got in on the craze. There are Youtube videos of people’s house light displays for Christmas and Halloween. One particular house has been featured on Good Morning America. Twice.

My characters in my story In The Doghouse in the Christmas anthology The Naughty List have entered their neighborhood’s Christmas light display contest. Are Nicky’s and Angela’s houses as garish as what I’ve described above? Nicky did go a step further in his display. He has a zombie nativity scene. I thought I was rather original in coming up with that one, although I have heard of it in years past. Turns out in 2014, someone in Ohio had the same idea. Jasen Dixon erected a zombie nativity scene outdoors for everyone to see.

Jasen Dixon lives in Sycamore Township, Ohio, and the town ordered him to take his display down, saying it violated zoning codes by taking up too much space on his lawn. He did not agree. He had until December 26 to take the display down, which in my mind makes Dixon the winner since he would get to keep the display up all throughout the holiday season.

I read of some other very funny Christmas displays. One guy had his house completely decorated in a garish fashion. The house next door had some lights that spelled out the word “Ditto” with an arrow pointing to the garish house. LOL Another guy dressed his beat up old car in lights with a lit up reindeer on the roof. And then there was the house with the two reindeer light displays getting it on in the yard. Reminds me of what Nicky did to Angela’s dancing snowmen in her front yard. Don’t know what I’m taking about but you’re dying to find out? Buy The Naughty List and read my story In The Doghouse, now!


Elizabeth Black and her books may be found at the following locations:

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Elizabeth Black – Amazon Author Page

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