Brand New Covers!

When I hired a designer to do a cover for Circles Within Circles he gave me exactly what I asked for… unfortunately, as it turns out, I asked for the wrong things. In my defense, ‘erotic paranormal romance set in rural Canada during WWI’ is kind of a tricky niche to nail on a cover.


Circles Within Circles is getting a brand new cover today and so is the next story in the Mary and Cairn series, The Longest Night.

I am so excited!

Here is a wee bit of a sneak peek:


I know, right?

Amy from QDesign is doing the designs and they are going to be magical.

My plan is reveal them, re-release Circles Within Circles and make The Longest Night available for pre-order next week. Chances are really, really good, though, that I’ll be sharing them on my mailing list before then because I’m just not going to be able to resist.

There is a downside to all this and that is now I want to write all the Mary and Cairn stories. All of them!

But there are a limited number of hours in the day and I have lots of projects on the go.

Which is why I’m going to add a project tracker to this website. Not only so people can see what I’m working on but also so it’ll keep me accountable and maybe a little bit focused so I can get more done and write all the stories.

Finally, on a related only in that it’s about books and books have covers kind of way, I included Moonlight and Magic in this huge giveaway and Love Bytes in this one. Check ’em out. They are all free and you might find something you like 🙂

P.S. Oh yeah, and after being the most indecisive person in Indecisionville I’ve finally decided on a title for the series. I’m going with ‘Prairie Magic’. Whatcha think? Love it? Hate it? Can live with it? Good. :-p




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