Erotica Under Glass ~ Panties

Taut torso and lacy pantiesThe dates have been set, and I’m excited to make my first foray into the world of writing under glass. Starting early August 13th and ending late August 16th I will be writing erotica under glass. You won’t be able to watch me write for obvious reasons but you will be able to enjoy the results (right away, without waiting for me to revise, format or any of that stuff that tends to delay releases!).

I am hoping, over the course of those four days, to produce at least five new stories, each of which will be inspired by a photograph I was sent or chose for myself. The photos had a very definite theme: panties. So that’s the flavour I expect the stories to have, the one I’ll be keeping in mind as I brainstorm ideas and write.

So I hope to see you here, one week from today, as I try for the first time to write erotica under glass.

P.S. It’s not too late to send in a photo prompt if you’d like. Either as a comment to this post or via email.

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